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Join MITnano for Tool Talks and Workshop with LatticeGear


Thursday, September 5, 2019

12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Substrate downsizing, singulating and cross-sectioning is a common practice for process development, experiments and analysis. Cleaving is the most desired technology to use as it is the only dry, clean, room temperature method that maintains all the parts without altering the process layers. The challenge with standard cleaving is the control and repeatability over quality and accuracy outcome. Therefore, we often resort to alternative methods, like dicing saw and FIB milling. LatticeGear focuses its entire product portfolio on cleaving technologies that challenges one assumptions about cleaving and scribing capabilities. The patented scribeless cleaving technology initiates the cleave with only microline indentation, no scribing and no particles, which makes it cleanroom compatible. The unique, patented scribing tool scribes on the backside to protect frontside features, ideal for clean, surface touchless downsizing. These technologies coupled with correct planning of the substrate preparation workflow based on the substrate characteristics and the outcome required enable downsizing and cross-sectioning for a variety of materials including glass, sapphire, III-V, SiC and silicon, and 300-mm wafer to 1-mm die. It even cleaves freestanding structures deposited by e-beam lithography and <100-µm thin substrate.

Join the workshop and learn how to handle your substrates successfully.

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