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Downsizing die to fit your Prober or SEM or FIB sample holder

Downsize die to fit your Prober, SEM or FIB sample holder without any “cracking” risk

Using the LatticeAx, a controlled, precise cleaving process was developed to downsize out-of-a-package samples repeatedly in <1-min. No skills required and no pre-prep. Single step for thin samples (‘out-of-a-package’ die or back-thinned samples): Using the LatticeAx’s microline indent to cleave, the cleaving step was eliminated.  For thicker samples (or die on a host), a 2 step process, microline indent + 3-point cleave is used. These processes enable hard to prepare thin and thick back end samples to be prepared.

n-probe stub
Out-of-package samples prepared using the LatticeAx. Bottom right shows sample on n-prober stub.