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LatticeGear and V-TEK Share Cleaving and Scribing Insights with Taiwan Universities

Last week, LatticeGear with the great support of its local agent, V-TEK Co., LtD., delivered the seminar about ‘The power of the weak point: how to secure clean imaging and true analysis (in cleanroom too) at leading academic institutes across Taiwan (CGU, NTUST, NCKU, NCHU, NCTU) aiming to educate those who need to use cleaving technology (downsizing, cross-sections) to prepare samples for characterization.  This type of lecture is not part of any curriculum, yet fundamental for research and development.

It was highly appreciated by those professors who are responsible for nanofabrication facilities to teach users how to properly cleave in the cleanroom with no contamination, as well as for researchers with limited sample material and must secure sample prep outcome (without the luck factor). Accurate characterization requires clean, sample preparation that does not alter the surface / sub-surface of the starting material.  While we all invest much time and funds into our microscopes, we hardly talk about sample prep, YET as the microscopes advance, correct sample prep becomes critical.

Please contact LatticeGear at if you would like to schedule a seminar at your industrial or academic laboratory.